Sunday 12 September 2021

Trolley 429

The third trolley of the day was captured in the Kokoro Passage, the renaming of which was noticed at reference 2. Traditionally a good place for trolleys, with this one being another from the M & S food hall. Nothing wrong with this one, apart from some litter in the basket, soon dumped in a nearby bin.

Maybe I am now on course to hit 500 before Christmas? A year late. Although thinking about it, averaging one a day for the next three months does not sound very likely.

I still passed on the Waitrose trolley in the same passage, thinking that three was enough for one day. And I might have attracted comment from boozers on the Wetherpoon's terrace, as they watched me going back and forth with trolleys. Not in the mood for it.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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