Friday 3 September 2021

A repeat

Woke to a rather muddled dream this morning, the core of which was a type of database query - perhaps complicated enough in itself to attract intellectual copyright - use of which by others had been stopped by an injunction in the High Court. Microsoft were players in this story, but it was not made clear why. As were a rather dubious clutch of arms dealers who needed this query to make their deal. Another element was an elaborate submission to the Minister responsible, awash with annexes, enclosures and marginal comments from people the submission had visited on its way up the bureaucratic tree. And at some point a higher grade salesman invited me to the theatre, a newly fashionable theatre in the east end, somewhere near Tower Bridge. A chap who I had never met before. A chap who represented I knew not what. But in the dream at least, it did not occur to me that this was an invitation I should not accept.

There was another chap who reminisced from his university days about doing some overnight chemical experiment inside a sort of open plan pyramid, in Egypt, where the proper pyramids are. No idea now how this fitted in; perhaps no more than social chit-chat in the margins of something else. Probably prompted by my presently rereading Storrs of references 1 and 2.

A dream perhaps remembered because the it was not the first time that the core of the dream, the stopped query, had appeared.

PS: thinking about it now, I have no idea whether computer programs attract copyright - with a database query being a rather special type of program, often but not always quite short and straightforward. I have never heard of such a thing, but why should they not? They might involve time, skill and artistry - all of which might reasonably be rewarded in this way, just as they would be for a dramatist or a novelist.


Reference 1: Orientations - Sir Ronald Storrs - 1937.

Reference 2: With apologies to whoever it might concern for the typo: 'Roland' for 'Ronald'.

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