Friday 10 September 2021

New graphic

Sadly, the FT have seen fit to upgrade the graphic which had best summarised for me how we are doing with the plague and which they had been running with more or less since the beginning, from the early months of 2020. OK, so it was getting a bit messy with the passing months and something did need to be done, but I don't think they have got it quite right.

We have lost the reference date which used to be top right.

The country labels have got detached from their ribbons. The splitting out of the UK from the rest of Europe and of  Peru from Brazil does not work very well.

And I am still none the wiser about where Russia, Australia and New Zealand fall, despite the addition of Oceania.

The good news is that, as last year, the summer bulge is easing. And here in the northern hemisphere we are all hoping that the winter bulge, if it comes at all, will be modest.


Reference 1:

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