Thursday 9 September 2021

Wellingtonia 44

This large specimen was captured on the way to Hampton Court Palace, not far, as it turned out from the Weston Green Church, built under the supervision of Maufe of Guildford Cathedral and the usual home of the Ripieno Choir.

Spotted just to the north of the Isles of Scilly junction on the A309, otherwise Hampton Court Way, just by the Co-op - which we think had once been a public house, then an Indian restaurant - if not Pakistani or Bangladeshi - down Alma Road. A road built at the time of the Crimean War or by a veteran of same? 

From some angles the tree looked as if its top had been cut out, but it was hard to be sure. But it was in the garden of an old house sporting a blue plaque - The Little Red House - and it was quite close to the house. Perhaps it shaded the boudoir of the chatelaine and she insisted on decapitation.

Much newer housing estate to the left, public house across Alma Road to the right and Weston Green Pond, with the church, behind the camera. Some older terrace houses down Alma Road, also to the right. Co-op some way behind the Wellingtonia.

See reference 3, but not to be confused with reference 4 of Worcestershire, where Carl & Pippa seem to offering something between self-catering and B&B. They have a special offering for singles, which might suit recently partnered people who want a break from it all.

PS: there was what looked like another Wellingtonia on one of the roundabouts at the Isles of Scilly junction, but it was not convenient to stop - so held over for scoring on another occasion. Given the number of these trees on roundabouts looked after by Surrey County Council, we wondered whether some past Borough Surveyor (or whoever it was who worried about what to plant on these roundabouts) was a fellow Sequoiaphile - and his guidance has stuck. No-one can be bothered to rewrite it.


Reference 1: With this URL carrying the indelible trace of past carelessness.

Reference 2: A battle in which Britain, France and Egypt fought and beat the Russians in the Crimea, on the way to Sebastopol. Presumably the Egyptian contingent was supplied by the Turks, rather as, half a century later, the Austrian Empire fielded national regiments from the various parts of their empire: Czech, Slovak, Hungarian or whatever.

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Group search key: hca, wgc.

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