Sunday 12 September 2021

Trolley 428

This M&S food hall trolley was spotted at the entrance to Court Lane on my return from my Ewell Village clockwise, but I didn't feel like going back into town at that point, so captured it on a further outing that afternoon.

Memory playing tricks again in the sense that I had thought the trolley was at the top of the hill, say somewhere near the entrance to Meadway, in the middle of Clayhill Green, when actually it was much nearer the bottom of the hill.

Slightly damaged, in that one of the spot welds had been burst and the corresponding wire had been bent down into the body of the trolley, where the unsuspecting shopper might either spear a hand or some shopping. Luckily I was able to bend it back and catch the top of it under the top rail, leaving the trolley fit for return to the stack.

Future fun and games spotted on the way out, at 'The Corner House' at the junction of Meadway and Ridgeway. A new fence had been put up, cutting its back garden in two,  presumably preparatory to building a new house in the back half. A fence visible in the middle of the snap above. BH tells me that there had been controversy about this in the past, with the owner wanting to cash in and the neighbours (and others) banging on about changing the character of the estate. I hadn't noticed any planning notices in the vicinity, but perhaps the rules about this sort of thing are being loosened up.

Notice old-style, pre-war garage. Not that many of them left now. Time to make them listed buildings?

I don't suppose the owner would miss a few of the bricks, but I didn't like to take them before they made it to the skip. I suppose I could have knocked on the door, but I didn't think of that.


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