Wednesday 9 February 2022

Trolley 469

Spotted while walking the previous trolley down the ramp from Station Approach to the High Street. Hesitated because of the litter, but returned to capture it.

Plenty of litter bins around the High Street and the pair I picked were more or less empty. The left hand slot had a round opening in the middle, suggesting bottles, although the instructions below talked of tins rather than bottles. I decided to push my half dozen bottles through, hoping for the best. Hoping also that they did not smash on the way down. The rest of it, probably food wrappers, down the right hand hole. Leaving the trolley entirely fit to take its place in the stack at the M&S food hall.

Craddocks the baker, recently opened a shop in South Street, very much on the edge of the shopping part of town, and yesterday they had a small stall on the market square advertising their wares. I almost thought to encourage them by buying something, but did not think that their white bread looked that good and desisted.

When I was young, plenty of bakers made a decent living by selling lots of white loaves, either bloomers or split tins. Plus a few odds and ends to make up the weight. Rather like the Tyneside pubs which made a decent living by selling lots of bottles of Brown Ale. Plus a few odds and ends - like orange juice and whisky - to make up the weight. While now it seems that there is not enough demand for straightforward white bread for it to be worth making it properly: what people seem to want is speciality, variety, sandwiches and buns - and bread is not the staple that it was. So what with one thing and another, the upshot is that, while I still eat quite a lot of the stuff, I make my own - although I have to admit that I can't make decent white bread either and have settled for brown, getting through maybe 5lbs a week of the stuff. Fresh white bread from a baker has become an occasional treat.

PS: not too keen on the stuff from the likes of Paul. Too much hard crust - too much not least because of worrying about the state of my teeth.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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