Monday 21 February 2022

Trolley 477

Trolley 477 was captured in one of the underpasses running between Station Approach and the High Street. A Waitrose trolley yielding £1 on return to its stack in the Ashley Centre.

The substantial, sawn off I-girder visible top right presumably being some relic of some previous activity of the occupiers of the building, before, perhaps, they sold off most of their back yard to the car park developers.

The rest of the stack left for another occasion.

While in Station Approach itself, in the bit of rough ground just before you get to the open air car park next to the tracks, was a non-scoring basket. Returned to the Tesco's next to the station ticket hall, thinking it odd that the rare baskets did not score, while the relatively common trolleys did. But that's the rules for you.


Reference 1:

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