Sunday 27 February 2022

Wellingtonia 67

This quite decent specimen was captured in the margins of a visit to Reigate, to see about an even more decent specimen in Bell Street, a little to the south of town centre.

On the northern approach to Reigate, on the A217, just before the railway crossing, just outside a modest housing development called 'The Dell'. As luck would have it, the railway crossing was shut as we approached it, causing traffic to back up and slow down, which meant I had time to spot the tree and pull in. 

Presumably once guarding the entrance to a substantial house, now sold off for this development of nine, very desirable town houses. You can rent one for £2,000, including the Neff appliances in the kitchen. Never heard of them, but perhaps they mean that I will be able to tick one more box in one of the YouGov brand awareness surveys that I take from time to time. 

By way of comparison, you can rent a retirement flat in Weybridge from McCarthy & Stone in Weybridge for between £3,000 and £4,000, although I don't think their flyer said anything about kitchen appliances. Which seemed to me to be rather a lot: you could go to a care home for that and have done with.

PS: gmaps tells me that Bell Street is also the southern leg of the A217, the one that runs through to Gatwick, having got rather lost in the middle of town.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: You might think that the name was uncomfortably close to naff, but it does mean that you remember it, which is, after all, the main thing.

Group search key: wgc.

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