Monday 14 February 2022

Trolley 473

Captured in the Kokoro passage and returned to the M&S food hall, where the stacks are still a bit ragged. Perhaps some of them come from Ashtead on the train, although it is hard to see why anyone would bother, not least because it is a fair hike from the M&S in Ashtead to the railway station.

Pushed on for a spot of  optomap from Leightons. This being an expensive looking camera, branded Nikon Daytona, which takes wide angle pictures of the middle part of one's retinas, one at a time. An entirely straightforward business, at least in my case, not involving eye drops or anything unpleasant of that sort. I even managed to look at some of the pictures, the bit I usually duck. The company which sells the cameras, Optos, appears to have started life in Scotland, but is now a division of Nikon of Japan. It looks to be a big brand in the world of eye care.

Down Stones Road and through the underpass, to find another trolley, this one from Sainsbury's, by the side of Screwfix. The sky looked a bit threatening, so marked down for tomorrow. Looked and felt a good deal more threatening than the snap above would suggest.

In the event, only a bit of rain on the last leg, not too bad at all. But enough low flying sun coming through under the lurid looking clouds to the west to give quite a decent rainbow looking north east across Lower Court Road, just before the turning in Manor Green Road. Maybe two thirds of the full bow. Telephone didn't manage much better with that than it did with the clouds.

PS: will advertisements for expensive equipment for opticians start to appear in my email on the strength of this post? Or for the rainbow sprinkles of reference 4? Which are nothing to do with the sort of thing children like to sprinkle on their custard, rather a colourful brand of leggings for busy ladies.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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