Saturday 12 February 2022

Trolley 470

Trolley 470, an M&S food hall trolley, was captured at the top of the ramp leading from Station Approach to the Kokoro outlet on the High Street. Returned to the rather untidy stack at the Ashley Centre entrance to the store. I didn't check properly, but I did wonder whether they are ringing the changes with their trolleys, which means that having just the two stacks, one for big trolleys and one for small, is not enough during the transition.

I also wondered whether the replacement corner brick with large holes, to be seen by the trolley handle, was thought to be a better bet for replacement that a brick with a frog. Maybe the mortar down the holes gives good adhesion?

Stop Press

This afternoon saw one of our occasional draws at Scrabble. With my scoring 253 plus 18 penalty points for going out first, when BH had a bit of a handful, to her 271 points. Her score included 'mi' which I did not challenge and turned out to be in the OED. My score included 'inters' which she did not challenge but turns out to be a bit marginal. Yes, 'inter' can be used as a transitive verb, but the nearest the examples came to 'inters' was an antique 'interrs'. So a tainted draw with moral victory going to BH. Made worse by her winning the previous game by a substantial margin.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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