Sunday 20 February 2022

Trolley 476

Having returned trolley 475 and heading north east along East Street again, trolley 476 turned up, neatly parked in the cycle rack to the side of Defoe Court, the housing facility for young people of reference 4, but part of the group at reference 3, itself part of the group at reference 1. People who look to be doing good work in a neglected sector of the housing market.

Returned to Sainsbury's at Kiln Lane, after which I returned to East Street to resume my interrupted Ewell Village circuit.

Reached the bottom of Longmead Road, where the cold breeze eased and the rain started. Two middle sized trees down, both on the eastern side of the stream and well away from the road. From a distance, both appeared to have been snapped off at ground level.

One small tree, albeit large for a verge tree, down in Manor Green Road. Half a leylandii down near the junction with Christchurch Mount, with this larger, once forked tree, split in half at the fork.

Twenty four trolleys to go for the half millennium!


Reference 1:

Reference 2: 'We are a registered, exempt charity, which means instead of returning a profit to shareholders, every penny we make must be used to improve homes and services, and build new social housing. We are a housing association, which means we provide affordable, social housing for some of the poorest people in society. We own and manage more than 105,000 homes. We are committed to building more social housing and believe it is critical to creating a housing market that functions for everyone. This will include a range of tenures to support more people into home ownership, as well as helping to meet the need for additional rented homes'.

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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