Monday 14 February 2022

Pictorial and plastic art

Pictorial art executed with paints that come in small plastic bottles. Brightly coloured, thick and easy to apply - with either brush or potato. The only catch is that they take a while to dry.

The Nematostella hydropofolon is an unusual Cnidarian, both for having no less than four O's in its name and for the male of the species having seven legs. The female has eight - from which we can deduce that the juveniles above are female.

While on the plastic side, we went for depth rather than height, with one result being that the telephone had trouble with the focus with the doll on the left. With a member of the Peppa Pig family taking the summit spot, having previously arrived with the Duplo from Barnardo's.

The recently retired duffel coat is visible top right, now on winter television duties.

While on the margins, we learned about 'Carry Me' fancy dress costumes, very effective until you are told or you work out how it is done. Just the thing for Halloween. But while I can find lots of people who would sell me such a thing, I have yet to find the people who make them, the people that own the brand. So maybe it is not like that; rather that the idea has escaped into the wide world and anyone with a sewing machine can knock some up. See, for example, reference 4.


Reference 1: A previous effort.

Reference 2: Another previous effort.

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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