Wednesday 23 February 2022

Emergency rations

I have failed to renew supplies of saucisson sec following the stew reported at reference 2, with Waitrose sticking with flavoured own brand - involving things like cheese and truffles - which I don't approve of, and not having ventured further afield. For some reason, not even to the big Sainsbury's at Kiln Lane which might well something which suits.

With the result that, yesterday, we were reduced to using the Monroyo cured pork loin, procured in the margins of trolley No.474, noticed at reference 1.

The usual drill, with the minor variation that I put in the raw potato chunks (rather than the recycled chunks I sometimes use) about 30 minutes before the off, rather than the usual 45 minutes, which can leave late season whites a bit soft and crumbly. With the result that the potatoes were perfectly edible but a little too firm. Maybe 40 minutes next time.

And the pork was pretty good, except for an oily, highly flavoured after taste. As noted at reference 1, I suspect it of having been plain cured but then shrink wrapped in some kind of savoury, red oil. A mistake as far as I was concerned. Clearly need to work a bit harder at sourcing sausage.

No added water on this occasion.

PS 1: note the rather overdone contrast between the red carrot top and the brown stew below in the first snap. Is this the same problem which often afflicts reds on our Panasonic television?

PS 2: OneDrive behaving oddly on Camera Roll this morning, a folder which is updated on a sporadic basis from my out-of-support Microsoft telephone. As far as File Explorer was concerned the snaps were there, some of them marked with a cloud icon for offline. But as far as Photos was concerned they were not there. The next snap chevron which should appear to the right was either absent, or clicking took one back to the beginning of the folder. Presumably the result of my trying to do stuff while OneDrive was trying to do one of its sporadic updates. A product which, I might say, generally does rather well at its complicated task. At least as far as I am concerned, with my only big complaint being that I can't work out how snaps are stored on the telephone, despite it being branded Windows 10. I suspect it of trying to be too clever when it tries to organise all my stuff for me - and now the telephone version is out of maintenance, it is not going to be tidied up. And the accessible documentation never was much good.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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