Saturday 5 February 2022


Towards the end of this morning's Jubilee Way run, a kestrel hovering across the road from the CAMHS facility known as South Lodge, to the left in the snap above. 

A lot of crows, which had been feeding on the ground in the horse field to the right, rather excited and flying high above the kestrel. I think this last takes its food from the ground, so maybe the crows know this.

A possible second kestrel, some way away to the left.

Unusual to get such birds so close to the houses, apart, that is from the cruising kite of reference 1.

PS: a bright, cold day. Pretty good for cycling, apart from the southerly breeze which slowed me down in the vicinity of the North Star. Presently an Ember Inn, still unvisited by me, despite thirty years in its vicinity. But I did used to know a chap known to me as 'Tall Norman' who used TB who used it. A one time senior butcher, furnisher of barons of beef to Masonic dinners involving royals and veteran of Operation Market Garden. Crashed glider variety I think.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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