Tuesday 29 March 2022

Trolley 499

I returned to the street food stalls at the entrance to Ebbisham Square for Monday's second trolley. Never having a pound coin at the right time, I had to settle for yet another trolley from the M&S food hall, rather than disconnecting the two Waitrose trolleys on the right. The trolley on the left looked OK, but had clearly been bashed at some point, as the front left hand wheel did not make proper contact with the ground. Nonetheless, judged fit to be returned to the stack.

Carried on up East Street, where I was pleased to see that the creationists' mess first noticed at reference 2 had all been cleared up. No rubbish and no trolleys to be seen.

While having passed through the underpass by Screwfix into Blenheim Road, I was pleased to see that the travellers, also first noticed at reference 2, were nowhere to be seen. So day 1, conspicuous; day 2, breeding but inconspicuous; day 3 vanished.

Perhaps when we celebrate the 500th trolley, we will cause a disturbance with a hearty rendering of 'there were nine wanzy trolleys standing in the stack'. Wanzy seems to work better than Wanzl.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/03/trolley-498.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/03/trolley-492.html.

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