Wednesday 30 March 2022

Piano 54

Snagged in St. Stephen's church in Rochester Row, of which more in due course.

A real German Bechstein, made in Berlin. Seemingly my first Bechstein, with the nearest previous being the Zimmermann at Lyme Regis, noticed at reference 3. Not least because the Wigmore Hall sports Steinways, in complete disregard of their beginnings as the Bechstein Hall. But I should add that I have some difficulty with the spelling, alternating between 'Beckstein' and 'Bechstein', which may well have confused my search.

Ebay offered just the one this afternoon. Which has the same legs, but does not look quite as long as the one in the church, but the oblique view might be deceptive. And I suppose 'seller refurbished' would need to be probed. I also suppose that the seller would allow a prospect to give it a try.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: The church.

Reference 3:

Reference 4: The pianos.

Group search key: pianosk.

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