Wednesday 9 March 2022

Trolley 486

A rather unclean trolley from Sainsbury's, once again from the creationists. I wondered about whether Sainsbury's would want it back, but by the time that I had returned from M&S, having returned trolley No.485, I decided that they would. They must be quite expensive items, well worth a bit of effort with white spirit and a scrubbing brush, if that was what we needed.

I didn't like to poke the white stuff in case it was sticky. Maybe paint? In any event, not the sort of thing that Sainsbury's sell. Plus the wheel with the lock, the one at the back with the yellow spot, was in poor shape. But at least the wheel turned and it held together until I got to Kiln Lane.

On, the way, at the entrance to Kiln Lane, impressed by the display of dandelions in flower. Not one in our garden.

Then in the car park, I thought that I had finally cracked registration plate No.36, outstanding since last July. There did not seem to be a registration plate at the front at all, just another of the E36KINGS stencils, and I was hoping, rather unrealistically, that that was the registration. But it was not to be. I shall have to wait a bit longer.

Trolley returned to the north eastern corner of the car park, where there is a small collection of trolleys, possibly awaiting repair, refurbishment or disposal, and a number of large rubbish bins.

Out by way of the alley through the footbridge over the railway, after which I came across this fine display of celandines. In much better shape than those in our back garden, perhaps because, although they are well shaded, they don't have to compete with ivy as they do in our garden. Rather better in real life than they are going to look here, even with click to enlarge.

And last up, at Tchibo corner (the coffee vending people), a fine display of daises. Not quite as good as we have had previously, but still pretty good for March. Back in 2019, it was the second half of April, as noticed at reference 3.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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