Thursday 24 March 2022

Trolley 494

Picked up in the Kokoro passage, in the margins of an early morning visit to Epsom, and returned to the M&S food hall on the other side of the market. In through the front door, the theory being that the clothes department in M&S is usually a lot quieter than the Ashley Centre around the other side, so less plague risk.

A trolley where the back right hand wheel, the one with the baby buggy style brake, previously noticed, had something wrong with and was clunking every time around. But returned to the stack nonetheless.

Outside, no curly endive to be had from the Thursday market greengrocer, although he did do packets of ready cut mixed leaves, some of which were curly. But not my sort of thing and, being ready cut, may not keep until Saturday.

Then a young lady, either a dancer from the Laine School of same or a jogger. Small, lean and very fit looking, but wearing not much more than a bikini. Not quite what you expect in the market.


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