Thursday 17 March 2022

Trolley 491

Captured in the bit of rough ground off Waterloo Road where the indoor market used to be, what Simenon might call a terrain vague, albeit a rather small one. As well as this trolley, there was a lurking clutch of food delivery men (and women), in addition to the couple of dozen or so of them in town centre proper. How on earth do all these people make a decent living? Perhaps the answer is that they don't.

The handle lock was in a bit of a state, but the trolley itself looked fit for service, fit enough to be returned to the stack at the front of the store, rather than returned to the back door around the back. Nevertheless, I thought it best not to attempt to lock this trolley to the one at the top of the stack. 

Just ten to go for the half millennium. Sadly, All Fools' Day is looking a bit ambitious - so perhaps I need to make a trip to London Road (the A24 north of Nonsuch Park) to scour the surroundings of the big Sainsbury's there, or a bit further along to the big Asda on Stonecot Hill?

PS 1: the newly full moon looked very good earlier this evening, very large and pale against the pale blue sky of dusk, just rising above the houses and trees to the east. Maybe 10°. Much brighter now, much smaller and much higher. But not as pretty somehow.

PS 2: I have just read that 'Last night, Lord Forsyth’s assisted dying amendment was narrowly defeated (45% in favour, 55% opposed) after the Government instructed Conservative Peers to vote against it. The Government has done a disservice, not only to dying Britons who suffer under a law that is dangerous and cruel, but also to our democracy by curtailing the debate of an issue that 84% of the general public support'. It continues to puzzle me why the party that bangs on so much about the right of people to get on and do what they please, rather than be subject to the nameless bureaucratic whims of Whitehall, see fit to block what a large majority of people want to get on and do in the dying department - a department which is about as private as you can get. No business of Whitehall at all. Last time I wrote to my MP (Chris Grayling) about this, he hid behind the line that his constituents had not expressed a clear view and that he would have to follow his own conscience. And he certainly did not like the idea that I should come and have a chat with the local party grandees. Perhaps it is time I wrote to him again. At least he attends to his mail.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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