Monday 28 March 2022

Jigsaw 13, Series 3

Yesterday saw the completion of a very jolly, 100 piece jigsaw. A regular jigsaw with ten rows and ten columns and with the right number of pieces, that is to say four, at each interior corner. None of that nonsense of corner meeting side.

Given the rather Biblical assembly of animals - mammals, birds, reptiles and a few other odds and ends - we had the value add that once the jigsaw had been assembled, it could be used to play I-spy. In which connection, one of the younger participants was quite happy with most of the Biblical assembly, but took exception to the presence of penguins, which she somehow knew was not quite right. A reminder to us older folk that penguins were probably not known to any of the writers of our Bible; probably not even to the translators of the time of good King James.

PS 1: a very ecological assembly point, in that the interior slats of the table top were recycled from pallets, with the odd nail hole still being visible as a reminder. We were not told where the carcase and legs came from, but the company concerned does specialise in recover and recycle.

PS 2: thinking more about penguins, I thought to check. First, while they are confined to the southern hemisphere, plenty of them live in temperate waters and one species lives in tropical waters. Not just the Antarctic and its immediate surroundings at all. Second, they appear in the foreign record in the late fifteenth century and were spotted by Drake on his travels in the late sixteenth century. So they might well have been known to the translators mentioned above. I wonder now whether there are eco-sparks up north who think that they should be introduced to the Arctic regions to provide some more food for the climate-stressed polar bears?


Reference 1:

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