Thursday 24 March 2022

Trolley 495

A new stash was turned up this morning, in between a couple of the wannabee street food sheds in the passage leading to Ebbisham Square, that is to say the Library and sundry other attractions. Very much the haunt of deliverers of mail order food.

I didn't have any coin of the realm on me this morning, having more or less stopped carrying the stuff about, so I could not take the top two trolleys apart. Settled for the third trolley, from Waitrose. The tray looked like it had been bashed and was a little depressed and I was not convinced the flap by the handle was working properly, so I thought it best to return it to Waitrose's back door and goods entrance, rather than to the front of house stacks in the Ashley Centre. As I arrived, a chap popped out of the back door, took one look at the trolley and pronounced in fit for service.

I made my way back to the library to see if my logon there still worked, which it did, despite their systems having been updated since I was last there. And I was pleased to find that the search engine provided made this very blog the very first hit on the search key 'psmv5'.  It seems unlikely, given the upgrade, that the search was privy to any of my previous activity on library computers, which might have given it a clue. Previous activity which is probably available to both Microsoft (as the owners of Windows and Edge) and Google (as the owners of Chrome) on the computers here at home, old though they may be.

PS: Wikipedia tells me that Ebbisham, heritage speak for Epsom, is probably a corruption of the Saxon Ebresham. From which last, the name wandered through various variations, ending up as Epsom in the early eighteenth century.


Reference 1:

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