Friday 4 March 2022

Trolley 483

Captured on my way home today in the bus stop at the top of the passage down from Station Approach to the High Street. Snapped here in the market place adjacent, before returning it to the rather full stack of same at the entrance to the M&S food hall in the Ashley Centre.

Too full of lunch to take a celebratory beverage, so returned home to pick up this flyer for Texan style fish and chips from the Mesquite Grill. Proper foodies will presumably know that Jalapeno Hush Puppies are deep fried batter balls flavoured with, inter alia, chopped onion and a mid hot variety of Mexican green pepper. While I had to look them up. Perhaps next time.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: Website alive and well but for some reason, flagged by Trip Advisor in red as permanently closed.

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