Monday 14 March 2022

Trolley 488

Trolley No.488 was a creationists' trolley from East Street. There may be more, but I am a bit shy of penetrating too deeply into their domain. Out front is one thing, down by their smoking den is another.

Returned to the stacks outside the Sainsbury's main entrance at Kiln Lane. Maybe next time I will remember to penetrate into the interior to inspect their Polish and saucisson sec aisles. A much bigger store than Waitrose in town centre, so maybe they will be better stocked.

PS: an examination question for when the dust has settled. 'Compare and contrast the Ukrainian desire to be independent of and different from their big neighbour in 2022, despite the ties of centuries, with the desire of the (white voters of the) Confederate States to secede from the the Union in 1865'. A Union which was not a century old. A desire which cost around 1,000,000 deaths.


Reference 1:

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