Monday 21 March 2022

Trolley 492

Spotted yesterday in the margins of a trip to London, still there this morning and returned to Sainsbury's at Kiln Lane. Given that arriving with it by train doesn't make much sense, it seems a long way for someone to wheel a full trolley. Although that said, I have brought a trolley picked up in Ewell somewhere back to Epsom on a train, but I think that it must have been for Waitrose or M&S, both present in Epsom town centre, which Sainsbury's is not. For which see below.

Took the passage behind the library which runs through more or less to the Rifleman to avoid the second half of town centre. Slightly surprised that there were no trolleys to be seen in or from the passage, as I have, in the past, seen plenty of trolleys in the back yards to the south and on the railway embankment to the north.

Not sure what the boil in the bag wholesalers were doing on the deck above the back of T.K.Maxx. Not aware of their moving into cafeteria. Not as if they are a garden centre, although I allow a fair amount of overlap in the household and fancy goods departments.

As it happens, once, some years ago now, the car park for the middle sized Sainsbury's which used to be below. BH was quite put out when it first shut, but she has got used to Kiln Lane now, only occasionally going over to the Tesco's at Leatherhead for a change.

Plenty of rubbish awaiting disposal at the creationists. Can't think what might be going on. Not as if it is the right time of year for the industrial cleaner to come in and clear up after a busy year partying, or whatever it is that creationists do during their down time. There were also a few trolleys visible behind, to be checked up on again later in the week.

And a bit further along, another nest of trolleys in the car park at the back on one of the blocks of flats along East Street. First time there have been trolleys there for a while. Must be some new residents.

While down the Longmead Road a traveller family had taken up residence. With quite a decent caravan, several shiny milk churns, one scrawny chicken and a couple of dogs. There was also a police car, complete with flashing blue light, when I turned into the road, but it had gone by the time that I got there.

Let's hope they use one of the milk churns for their wet waste and don't just dump it in the stream, left in this snap. Maybe a forlorn hope, given their reputation for dirty habits and dirty ways.

While this afternoon, one caravan had become three caravans and at least one car. So perhaps the police have a bit more work to do.

BH has been telling me that dust blown up in storms over the Sahara is arriving over Surrey and getting dumped on the ground by the various showers that we have been having. As snapped above. She also tells me that our car got some too, although I can't say that I have noticed. 


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