Wednesday 23 March 2022

Trolley 493

The trolleys at the creationists are all full of rubbish. And there was so much rubbish this morning that a lady from the office next door was taking a picture to send to the landlord. She was not best pleased. What on earth are they up to?

However, the trolleys at the block of flats a bit further along were accessible. A mixture of Sainsbury's, Waitrose and M&S trolleys, all seemingly in clean and decent condition. Returned the top two to the stack at the front of Sainsbury's. Quite enough to be wheeling along the road.

Then for once, ventured into the store to see what could be done in the way of saucisson sec and kabanos. It turned out that they did do saucissson from Bastide, although one had to be careful not to get the cheese flavoured one and it was not the same format at that once sold by Waitrose: long and thing, rather than short and fat. While the alleged shelf of Polish goodies turned out to be quite a small shelf and certainly did not include any kabanos. Although they may have had some of those very thin ones which I don't like at all in among the chorizo in what passed for the charcuterie shelf. A wickerwork affair, very artisanale.

On the other hand, I did pick up a couple of tins of fancy Vietnamese crab against a crab salad in a few days time. Hopefully I will be able to find an curly endive, rather better for crab salad purposes than lettuce. But where has all the English crab in tins gone? They fish enough of them out of the sea around the Isle of Wight - and I dare say other places around our coasts.

I find that the Sainsbury's plastic bags that you now pay 20p for are a lot more substantial than the ones you used to get for free. Well worth keeping against a future occasion.

On round the Ewell Village anti-clockwise, to find that the travellers who had set up camp down Longmead Road had been moved on, with just a few wisps of straw to show where they had been. A much better result than I had been expecting - but then I found that they had only been moved on to a less conspicuous spot at the top of Blenheim Road.

Along the way acquiring two lengths of hard core earth bonding, that is to say with six cores rather than the usual one. No idea what sort of load it might be used for. Maybe an electric boiler? And two improper washers. The first, a small one, was slightly shaped, not quite flat. While they had forgotten the hole in the second, sticking a nut where the hole should be. But added to the collection just the same.


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