Friday 17 March 2023

Knights Templar

I learned last night from my Microsoft news feed (so called), that a big Wetherspoon's in Chancery Lane, the Knights Templar, is due to close tomorrow, Saturday. Part of the round of closures previously noticed at reference 2 and elsewhere. Bing turns up lots of pictures of a rather grand interior - and it is the only Wetherspoon's which is licensed to marry people.

Seemingly once a banking hall, one which claims connections back to the Knights Templar, once resident in the same general area. But so far, I have not turn up a local history website which tells me all.

Nevertheless, I thought it might be right to visit on its last day, but this turns out to be a strike day. It remains to be seen whether I will muster the necessary energy this afternoon.

PS: it may also be that Chancery Lane, with Saville Row having effectively vanished, might be a place to buy some more braces. The sort of thing that lawyers go in for?


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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