Thursday 30 March 2023


Ten days ago to London for cheese. An overcast and cool day - and a draughty train until the young man who didn't seem to mind the draught got off at Clapham Junction and I was able to shut his window.

Ominous exit from the concourse area to a lot of builders' huts and builders' gear and no Bullingdons. But it was alright. It turned out that there were Bullingdons at the bottom of the ramp and I was able to get off. Plenty of young cyclists about, mostly ignoring traffic lights. And just two vacancies at Drury Lane, but two was enough. 

Headed up Drury Lane, past what appeared to be a small Korean flavoured café with a queue of young Koreans outside. Bing confirms that it was indeed Korean and called Kangnam Pocha.

I used to like Chinese food well enough, but my very limited exposure to other far eastern food has not encouraged me to diversify. Plus I am not keen on queueing to eat in a crowded café. So unlikely to give this place a go, even though I am in the vicinity often enough, be it ever so good.

Headed off down Shorts Gardens, and was pleased to discover what the yellow plastic thing I had picked up a few years ago was for, there having been various suggestions - incorrect as it turns out - in the mean time. I use ours (visible back right in the first snap at reference 3) as a play accessory for infants, but it seems that they are really an accessory for lashing down sheets of material, more I suspect to give a better grip than the naked strap would give, than to protect vulnerable edges.

And so into the cheese shop. I have been eating Lincolnshire Poacher for some years now, ever since I discovered it in the late-lamented cheese counter in the Epsom Waitrose - subsequently switching to Neals Yard Dairy, who have served well. But their Poacher has been a bit dry of late, so I thought it time to try something else, lighting on the rather more expensive Pitchfork - cheese makers being as into silly names as beer makers. But I suppose you have to call it something - and maybe the marketing people claim that names like 'Brown's Bay No.17' (where Farmer Brown is the cheese maker) don't really cut it - the names of bitters of old and a number of more expensive drinks notwithstanding.

See references 1 and 2.

Nearly got run down by an electric car which I had heard behind me but not computed as something I need to move out of the way for. Couldn't find the shop which had sold me a couple of fine Serrano ham filled rolls on a previous occasion. Probably given up.Thought about taking a snack in the food hall that has sprung up opposite the cheese shop, but decided that it was not really my thing. Maybe I could do something at Waterloo.

So rolled down Kingsway, hanging right at the Aldwych, this being the new arrangement now that the other side has been pedestrianised. Much better for cycles than the old system, which could be a bit hairy at times.

Passed the remnants of a disturbance outside India House, probably the incident mentioned at reference 4.

And so to the top of the ramp at Waterloo. The first time I have taken the pole position for a while.

We have done alright at Benugo in the past, so I thought I would give their outlet up on the Mezzanine a go. I settled for a bacon and brie roll, warmed up in the microwave - and did not like it at all: a soggy roll, full of goo, that is to say more or less melted Brie. I should have gone the extra mile and gone to the Northcote at Clapham Junction for one of their fine bacon and egg baps. See reference 5.

PS: in the margins of penning this post, amused to read about the possibilities of virtual sleep overs. Only troubled by visiting youngsters being virtually tiresome. See reference 6.

Reference 1:

Reference 2: The cheese I bought was nothing like as yellow as this cheese looks on my laptop. More cream coloured. Plus, not veggie at all: made with rennet and wrapped in lard. Perhaps lard impregnated cheese cloth.

Reference 3: I feel sure that there is a better shot out there, but search has so far failed to turn it up.

Reference 4: UK to review security at Indian High Commission in London after breach: Tensions remain high following Indian authorities’ removal of barricades around British diplomatic buildings in New Delhi - Chloe Cornish, John Reed, Peter Foster, Financial Times - 2023.

Reference 5:

Reference 6: Inside the cozy but creepy world of VR sleep rooms: Going to sleep in virtual reality can alleviate insomnia and loneliness — if you can avoid being harassed by kids - Tanya Basu, MIT Technology Review - 2023.

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