Saturday 25 March 2023

The bodge: phase 2

After the rain of Friday, I moved onto phase 2 of the bodge yesterday, that is to say Saturday, morning, with the results snapped above. With the ground bottom centre being a good deal wetter than elsewhere: no visible water, but not far off.

Let's hope that there is not too much more rain over the next few days, or phase 3 might get pushed into April with its April showers.

The small, English bluebells to be seen coming up right. While down the bottom of the garden, the big continental bluebells have more or less taken over. The primroses along the back fence more or less invisible here, just about visible on the original on my laptop. The trunks of one of our two hazels visible top right; hazels which never produce any nuts for us as the grey squirrels take them young.

Marked the occasion with a fluky win at Scrabble later in the day. I had been trailing a bit in a low-scoring game, when BH put a terminating 'A'  near the middle of the right hand column of the board. Thus allowing me to get a 'Q' on a double letter and 'QUAIL' on the nearby triple word. Which at 69 put paid to BH's ambitions: 69 as her 'A' was actually a non-scoring blank standing in for an 'A'.

The word quail seems to crop up quite a lot, rather more than mere chance would suggest. But it is too early in the morning to consider why this might be so.

PS: the telephone seemed to have a problem with all the different textures involved here, not being able to manage all of them at once. But I suppose going for the central grey is a reasonable choice for it to make: the right choice as it happens. With the green centre left suffering in consequence.


Reference 1:

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