Tuesday 7 March 2023

Balkan lentils

Lentil day came round again today, along with some suxhuk, as noticed getting on for a year ago at reference 1.

Started about 90 minutes out with 8oz of red lentils in a litre of water, the idea to be getting something firm rather than something wet. Chucked in a small amount of celery, to use it up more than anything else.

Chopped a couple of cloves of garlic and fried that in a little butter. Added four or five small onions, segmented in the way of an orange. Left for a while. Peeled the suxhuk, sliced it, cut the slices in half and added the halves to the onions and garlic. Simmered for a while, then about half an hour to the off poured the lentils over the mix.

6oz brown rice and and a score of Brussels sprouts prepared on the side.

With the lentils just before serving being the first snap, and the lentils on the plate, after a few forkfuls had been taken, being the second.

Not bad at all. Maybe half a pint left over, which will serve later, microwaved. 

All too easy for lentils in this pasty form to stick to the pan, as I discovered during these proceedings. In any case, I think I prefer the way they turned out at reference 1. Which I think involved some tomato and rather less cooking.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/04/kosova-suxhuk.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2023/02/new-bag.html. Buying the suxhuk.

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