Sunday 5 March 2023

Wellingtonia 102

A rather sickly Wellingtonia captured at a junction on the A24, on the way home to Epsom from Dorking. The first since November last year: what on earth have I been doing all that time?

Possibly one of a pair to judge from the stump behind, although I did not think to take a closer look. One wonders whether the ivy came because the tree was sick or the tree was sick because of the ivy. I suspect the former as one does not see ivy on these trees very often.

Not completely convinced about the identification, I tried a zoom, which suggested to me the fronds of a Wellingtonia, rather than the needles of, for example, a Scots Pine. See, for example, reference 2. So I think that the score can stand in the absence of further challenge.

Just for the record, the location. The little triangle to the right of the junction of the brown road with the A24 in the middle of the snap above. With the tree that continues to taunt us, somewhere to the south west, perhaps below where it says 'Vale Lodge'.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: wgc.

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