Tuesday 21 March 2023

Confusion continues

I complained at reference 1 of being denied a hearing of Schubert's late sonata for violin and piano, D.934 and reported having bought a disc rather than a CD my mistake.

Then at reference 2 we had notice of imminent arrival, notice which was fulfilled.

The disc turned out to be a CD after all. Checking back with eBay, there are a number of copies of this CD for sale, some marked as such (slightly obscurely), some not. I think the answer is that I failed to notice the obscure marking.

The notes with the CD explain that three of the pieces on it were juvenilia, while D.934 was badly received when first performed in Vienna in 1828. I thought it was rather good, despite being something of a show-off piece, to show-off the performers rather than the composer. I also rather liked what I have heard of the juvenilia. So a good purchase, prompting the first serious outing of the hifi for a while.

The only fly in the ointment being that, as it turned out, I did not get to find out what the various postal systems involved - the seller being in Germany - would have made of a disc. A CD is not much of a challenge for them at all. Not to mention our letter box.

The next step was to trace the illustration, a view of Vienna from Leopoldsberg by Rudolf van Alt. It has a rather sketchy appearance, so perhaps it is just that, rather than a full-on studio painting. Bing turns up a rather small version, one of lots of works by van Alt, while Google Image Search turns up the museum where it lives. From where I get the image snapped above, but without download. I have to use Microsoft's Snip and Sketch tool. 

It does let me save the html, which I took a look at, and which probably contains a pointer to the image file on the museum's server. But I am not enough of a geek to find and extract the right pointer - there were lots of them - and even if I had got that far, the server might well have denied my request. More geekery required. Something for another day.

PS 1: fortified by breakfast, I take another look this day and notice that a folder has arrived along with the html. Inspection of which reveals all the many pictures on this web page, mostly in cut-down form but this one proper, included above. Getting on for a megabyte of it and much better quality. No need to go to the host server at all.

PS 2: but then, going into reference 3 again, this time in English rather than the default German, a picture download feature has now appeared. No further need of the html at all. So we start and end with confusion!

PS 3: the story is rounded off by juxtaposition of the two images above - lower left and upper right. The changes of colour are quite subtle and there is, I think, some loss of detail in the Snip & Sketch version. Curiously, they appear more alike here than they do above. Perhaps downsizing brings them back together. Perhaps it is all in the mind, in the busy brain.

PS 4: the snap of the CD I started with is not very clever either. Another indoor shot, in poor light, rotated and cropped. With the other recent example to be found at the top of reference 4. It comes to me now that I have noticed before that my telephone does not do very well in low light, nothing to do with shaking hands. I dare say I could fiddle with the settings, but that would be another bit of unwanted geekery.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2023/03/solidarity.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2023/03/amazon-would-have-done-better.html.

Reference 3: https://www.wienmuseum.at/en/.

Reference 4: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2023/03/carducci-two.html.

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