Thursday 23 March 2023


As part of the move to veggie-life on Wednesdays, we thought it would be a good idea to increase our local supply of mint.

The place selected was the shaded space around the new bamboo, last noticed at reference 1. The mint and the bamboo, both being fairly invasive plants, could fight it out between them.

The mint in front, marked with a white pole, was a cutting nurtured over the winter on the kitchen window sill and planted out some days ago now. While that at the back, marked with a green pole, was bought the day before yesterday from Chessington Garden Centre - where a good part of the centre is now taken up with the new season's garden, garden room and conservatory furniture. Furniture which, for me at least, always brings T.K. Maxx to mind. That aside, we shall see which mint does better over the year to come.

While last year's Baby Blue (of reference 2) has still to recover from the heat of last summer. May recover over the year to come? A couple of daffodils of what is sometimes called in these pages the 'new daffodil bed' visible right, with more of them coming up with flowers rather than coming up blind, this year rather than last year.

PS 1: a mint cutting which came last year from a pot outside our (rented) holiday cottage on the Isle of Wight. BH thought it a fair exchange for watering the pots every day.

PS 2: I remember now, that towards the end of allotment life, I went through a phase of growing various kinds of mint there; for amusement and ornament rather than for consumption. A bamboo plant too, the history of which is to be found scattered around reference 3. More than fifteen years ago now.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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