Tuesday 22 November 2022

Fir cones

Back in September, I acquired some Wellingtonia fir cones, which have been sitting on the study window cill ever since. 

This morning, thinking perhaps that it was time that they were chucked, I was idly tapping one of them and all kinds of stuff fell out, some with legs and some looking very much like seeds, as snapped above.

A challenge if ever there was one. With the next step being to consult with Bing - perhaps even the fine new horticultural & botanical library at Wisley - about how to convert these rather small seeds into seedlings. A library first visited just about a year ago, as noticed at reference 2. Must be a very long time since I visited the Vincent Square branch.

PS: Bing turned up reference 3 fast enough, which tells me what to do, but is not very encouraging. Perhaps I will put BH on the case.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/09/wellingtonia-93.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2021/12/winter-wisley.html.

Reference 3: http://www.redwoodworld.co.uk/growing.htm.

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