Tuesday 22 November 2022

Human forest

Following notice at reference 1, I find that the one dumped bicycle from Human Forest has become four or five this morning. Furthermore, there is another one chucked on the bank at the top of the rise before you run down to what used to be the Bonesgate. By the lights at the junction of Moor Lane and Gilders Road. By the sign for Moor Lane Allotments. 

While the one above, turned up by Bing, is snapped in its natural habitat, in Islington, at the junction of the curiously named College Cross and Liverpool Road, just a few yards to the west of the A1, the stretch known as Upper Street. Casual search failed to tell me where the name came from.

Nearer home, we had lone redwing this morning, at around 10:15, picking over what it left of the red firethorn berries, disdaining the plentiful orange berries a bit nearer the house. Unusual for a redwing to be travelling alone.

Which reminds me, a few days ago I passed a grazing lady in Hook Road. That is to say she was gathering something into a plastic bag, possibly hips from the dog roses there. From where I associate to the rose hip syrup, all over the place when I was small. At least I stick to haws.

PS: foodies will be pleased to know that rose hip syrup can be obtained from the old Etonian gardener, also known as River Cottage. It must be made of the right stuff - and the rest of us can buy it in tablet form from health food stores. Much cheaper.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/11/sundays-snaps.html.

Reference 2: https://www.humanforest.co.uk/.

Reference 3: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/11/they-are-back.html.

Group search key: redwings.

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