Thursday 17 November 2022

Trolley 545

Delivering the previous trolley, clocked this second M&S trolley at the top of the Kokoro passage. Deciding against wheeling two across the market square, which might have been made more difficult by their being different sizes, although it is hard to be sure about that given the camera angle of No.544. In any event, I made two trips of it.

Finding along the way, that the large brown tins of fancy biscuits for Christmas are already encroaching on, not to say invading, the clothes departments from the food hall. A product which I find this evening that I can buy online from Amazon, bundled up with another M&S Christmas fancy, but which I can no longer buy from M&S online. All very odd. Perhaps my online buying skills need a refresher.


Before that, swinging round at the point of capture, I noticed the large sign out the back of the Cappadocia restaurant, the new incarnation of CafĂ© Rouge. A place which we visited back in February and noticed at reference 2, but which has not supplanted ASK in our favours. Creatures of habit? 

The sign seems a bit of an expense, given that it is not going to be seen by lots of people. Must check to see if it is visible from Station Approach - from which I have yet not seen it. Perhaps it is a recent arrival.

And later on, a pick-me-up, nearly-new, do-gooder's bag from M&S picked up from behind Sainsbury's at Kiln Lane. 

First thought was that perhaps they really are doing some good: the website at reference 3 works in the acronym UN and has been very artily put together, with lots of fancy photography. 

Second thought was the more mundane looking reference 4, which might be making packaging out of recycled plastics, rather than artworks.

Maybe 'socialplastics' is significantly different from 'social-plastic'.

Maybe I need to inspect the other side of the bag.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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