Friday 4 November 2022

In detention

Having just read at reference 1 about how China manages to quarantine huge numbers of people without much fuss and without cockroaches or other nuisances - and with very fast (although probably censored) Internet access, maybe our leaders ought to send a team out there to see how it is done - and so get cracking on places like Manston, where we do not seem to be able to manage the thousands of people arriving on small boats very well at all. Maybe some helpful Chinese contractor would be happy to take over from the SERCO of reference 3?

PS: the snap above is, as it happens, a WEBP image, the subject of reference 2.


Reference 1: I spent 10 days in a secret Chinese Covid detention centre: What I learnt when I was ‘taken away’ to an island quarantine facility in the middle of the night - Thomas Hale (aka Tnomab Hale), FT - 2022.

Reference 2:

Reference 3: The front page tells me how they have just taken over what is euphemistically called an 'immigration services company', otherwise ORS.

Reference 4: All cuddles and smiles on the front page.

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