Saturday 12 November 2022

Smart pain

Around six weeks ago we had trouble with our shiny new smart television, trouble which was cured by the tedious business of going back to the very beginning with 'go back to factory settings'. The trouble being the loss of ITV Hub.

Then a few days ago it was Britbox which vanished, the second of the two streaming services to which we subscribe. The television still knew about it and you could click on it, but all you got was an empty screen. After some fiddling about spread over several days, we decided to go back to factory settings once again. Except that this time it all seemed a lot more tiresome. Not least trying not to get into too much of a muddle with all the slightly different ways of doing things that seemed to be involved.

And having the laptop in the same room as the television did not help that much, as I need one pair of glasses to work one and another pair of glasses to work the other. Not to mention the telephone. Again, all very tiresome.

But some time later, ITV Hub and Britbox were both on the air again. 

Very unimpressed that our smart television can behave in this way. Clearly far too smart for us. Or maybe the combination of our lack of knowledge and the flakiness of its software is just too much for it. Or maybe Britbox is on the way out - with BBC seeming to have lost interest - and no-one wants to tell us the bad news. Maybe next time I will be reduced to reading the manual or phoning up Richer Sounds. Neither option seeming very attractive just presently.

PS: BH remains keen to try the voice activation that this television offers. Vetoed on the grounds that we are having enough trouble as it is, without introducing a whole new raft of problems.


Reference 1:

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