Monday 7 November 2022

Trolley 542

Remarks yesterday about private property yesterday notwithstanding, this trolley was recovered from the back of Darwin Court in East Street. A place with a small number of odd looking car parking places built in under the flats back left as you go in, places I did not like to photograph as a resident was visible.

But notice the vegetation taking shape in the crook of the tree left. Maybe there will be a buddleia before long, often to be seen from trains, in crevices in brickwork and on roof parapets.

A fine puddle in the Kiln Lane car park, to the side of Wickes. Deeper than it looks and I was obliged to go around. BH tells me that it has been there for some days.

From the other side.

Sainsbury's busy if the car park was anything to go by, although I did not venture inside on this occasion. But outside, a small line of small trolleys and several lines of large trolleys, so small trolleys continue to be more popular. Austerity bites.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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