Monday 21 November 2022

Langtry revival

Opening my email this morning, I find an advertisement from the Belmond hotel chain of reference 2 offering me a range of unique experiences. Somewhat out of our league, but conceivably if improbably triggered by a connection between their restaurant (snapped above) named for the custom railway carriage that Lillie Langtry used when on tour in the US (where she made a lot of her theatrical money) and my Langtry festival of the first half or so of this year, for which see reference 1.

Their opening offer was an 'Incredible Thanksgiving Dinner: The Ideal Way To Celebrate Thanksgiving In Elegant Style', illustrated by two very elegant looking ladies, not particularly young. Unlike the people mentioned at reference 3, the prices did not feature in the display. However, drilling down, I get to £95 a head, children half price. I dare say exclusive of booze, but inclusive of a winter vegetable pithivier, an option which I have yet to investigate. But I am deeply impressed, which I suppose is the idea.

Interesting to see how the wheel of fashion turns, how a lady whom the French might have called a demi-mondaine becomes an icon for high society. A lady who in life was only a semi-detached member: her money and her morals were all far too new.

PS 1: have now checked the wine list. White wine by the glass is quite reasonable, with a better than pub-grub choice, and there are sensible bottled offerings, but you can pay a lot. Including up to £3,000 for fizz and up to £5,000 for red.

PS 2: I can now offer a sneak peek at the turkey frying option of reference 3. Not sure what is going on left, but I the turkey frying (oil) drums are right. No shortage of gas in sight.


Reference 1: The tip of the Langtry iceberg.

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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