Saturday 17 September 2022

Wellingtonia 93

Wellingtonia 93 was collected in the margins of the visit to Dorking being noticed under the search key 'dka'. A tree which had been noticed before in the course of our travels, but at a time when it had not been convenient to stop - so not scored. A tree at the apex of the triangle formed by Howard Road, Vincent Lane and Westcott Road, aka the A25.A tree which, on closer inspection, turned out to be two trees.

The bases of the two trees.

Some fir cones, brought home, but so far resisting investigation. Tough, fibrous things with no trace so far of anything like a seed. Maybe they are all long gone. Maybe I have to wait while they dry out a bit more.

Now these trees are usually to be found in the gardens of big old houses or in public parks. So off to the Scottish repository of old maps, to get to that snapped above. A map from about 150 years ago, so maybe about the same age as the trees, seemingly just marked as one tree, more or less in the middle of the snap. Vincent Lane and Howard Road both already present, so what might have been the front garden of the vicarage - visible right in the opening snap above - was chopped off a long time ago, if it ever existed at all. BH has learned since that the vicarage has now been converted into flats, no doubt luxurious and much sought after. Possibly sharing use of the large garden to the west.

But no other obvious candidate for the owning house. At least not yet. Something to be delved into at some point in the future.

PS: Dorking's big house, Deepdene House, once rented out to the Duchess of Marlborough and demolished in the 1960's, had large and fancy grounds, but is on the other side of town. Excluded from present consideration.


Reference 1:

Group search key: wgc, dka.

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