Wednesday 30 November 2022

Weaner Wednesdays

I mentioned near the beginning of reference 1 that we are dedicating Wednesdays to weaning ourselves off stuff. Our own little bit to save the planet. So no meat, fish, alcohol (or any other recreational substance, caffeine and drinking chocolate excepted) or credit card. Eggs and dairy under review - and no doubt other things will crop up in the margins. 

Generally speaking, we eat three times a day: light meals early morning and late afternoon, a main meal in the middle of the day. The first of these rarely involves meat or fish, the last of these occasionally involves tinned fish, cured meat of something of that sort. Say sardines or saucisson sec. So easy enough to avoid meat and fish on a Wednesday. But the main meal usually does involve meat or fish, so change is needed.

There have now been three such Wednesdays. On the first occasion, cottage pie made with quorn pretend mince. On the second, cottage pie made with peas and lentils as the active ingredients. On the third, potato pie. A baked dish we have quite often, involving potatoes, onions, cheese and eggs. A relative of the Spanish omelette (aka tortilla).

Looking ahead, restaurants are apt to involve all the forbidden items, so they need to be avoided. Easter always falls on a Sunday, so not a problem. But what about Christmas? Birthdays probably not a problem. Maybe the civil servant's answer - or the priest's answer - would be to atone for one lapsed Wednesday with two nearby, substitute days.

While we are still thinking about eggs and dairy. Maybe we will go for a gradualist approach, leaving milk in tea and coffee until the end, perhaps exempting it altogether. My guess is that BH would find no milk in drinks more tiresome than I would. And then, what's the point of being pedantic about such a small thing?

Or do we take the drill sergeant's view: patrolling the margins is important, it's what keeps the whole edifice in good order. The view taken somewhere in Švejk, where the good soldier is torn off a strip by the sergeant when he turns out on parade with one of the buttons of his tunic not properly buttoned up.

PS 1: on a rather different note, I have just been told about the Marine Corps University Press, never having previously heard of either the university or its press. To be found at reference 4.

PS 2: a little later: I have just remembered that 'weaner' is also the name for a sort of pig, presumably a pig which has just been weaned off its mother, rather than food in general. So rather inappropriate in this context.


Reference 1:

Reference 2: The Good Soldier Švejk - Jaroslav Hašek - 1921/3.

Reference 3: The source of the snap above.

Reference 4:

Reference 5: Apparently for the video of the day, although I have yet to find it. Videos yes, video of the day, no.

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