Saturday 8 June 2024

Trolleys 700 and 701

Trolley 700, a medium sized trolley from the M&S food hall, was captured in the car park adjoining the other passage.

While trolley 701, a medium sized trolley from B&M, was captured in the Kokoro Passage.

Returned to store, after which I pushed on round the first Ewell Village Clockwise for a fortnight. What with one thing and another, it had not been convenient.

Thought to stop at the orange caravan down Longmead Road for a bacon sandwich if they had bread, fried egg roll if it had to be a bap. In the end, settled for a large portion of what was described as chicken paella. Which turned out to mean a pile of savoury rice, topped off with some chicken sourced from a separate pot. Substantial, hole-digging fare, rather more than I wanted and not much like the real thing. I will know better next time.

Carried on up the road, to pass a rather scruffy gentleman wheeling a bike down the path loaded with what might have been scrap timber salvaged from some skip or building site. Then an even more scruffy gentleman, rather younger, perhaps in his mid twenties, cycling along the same path while he whooped up the Bully dog which was loping along beside him. On a lead, with a muzzle, but muzzle very much off. I thought someone with mental health or substance abuse issues, quite possibly both. I found it a bit scary that such an irresponsible looking & sounding person should be allowed to own such a lethal weapon. But I suppose it is no worse than his being allowed to drive a car - until he does something seriously wrong.

Somewhere along the way, I decided that we would celebrate the 700th trolley with lunch next week at the Koza Bar Kitchen, a Turkish flavoured restaurant which has taken on what used, quite a long time ago now, to be the Magpie, a busy place favoured by unattached young men, median age perhaps 30 or so. I vaguely recall going to a St. Patrick's do there, possibly involving Irish Stew, otherwise Lancashire Hot Pot, otherwise neck of lamb, a dish I rather like, although I have not made it for a while. Neck of lamb no longer a cheap cut

With Koza said to be giving Cappadocia, a hundred yards up the road, a run for its money. See reference 2.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: Sainsbury's. Less than a year ago.

Reference 4: M&S. More than two years ago. A bit slow on this segment.

Reference 5: Sainsbury's. More than four years ago.

Reference 6: Waitrose. Less than five years ago.

Reference 7: M&S. Less than six years ago.

Reference 8: Sainsbury's. Less than seven years ago. Took a couple of goes at search to turn it up: as far as I can see, a rare glitch in the blog search feature. All present and correct now.

Group search key: trolleysk.

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