Friday 28 June 2024

Trolley 716

First spotted yesterday morning in the depths of the car park between the passages, and still there when I returned to check that same afternoon.

Returned to the near empty stack at the food hall, where I rewarded myself with a further 650g of cherries. The first this year from Kent, variety 'Grace Star'.

Not a Canadian cherry for a change, rather an Italian one. The snip above being taken from reference 2. Seemingly a website devoted to advertising, olives and cherries. While google turns up the more obviously respectable horticultural supplier at reference 4. Catalogue at reference 6, from page 29 of which the snip below is taken. They might be specialists in micro-propagation.

The catch was that after the very sweet Spanish cherries we have been getting, these ones tasted a bit thin. I expect they will be better when the palette adjusts down from all that sugar. Maybe some other flavour will come through!

PS: the first story in a recently acquired number of 'The Spirits Business' was all about delays in the introduction of the Scottish deposit return scheme, whereby people buying drink in single-use containers would pay a deposit, returnable against return to an official recycling point. The idea being to motivate all of us, on all sides of the fence, to recycle more of these containers than we do now. On other hand, Celtic sensibilities aside, there is a lot to be said for a UK wide scheme, although that is not where we appear to be at reference 7. And it is all terribly complicated, with the devil in the detail. But clearly a candidate for case study on business administration courses.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Reference 6:

Reference 7:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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