Sunday 16 June 2024

Trolley 708

Yesterday, for a change, saw a Ewell Village clockwise, that is to say down Longmead Road first, instead of last. The idea being to do a spot of shopping in town, without carrying it around most of my circuit. A plan which was thrown by coming across this trolley from Sainsbury's well past the Kiln Lane turning off East Street. So I went into reverse.

Picking up this additional trolley on the way back to the Kiln Lane car park. Barely off-site and the same small size, so scoring it as a second trolley would not have been right.

Did my shopping in Sainsbury's, where I found that they were not big into cherries, with just a very small section of shelf given over to 250g packs of Spanish cherries, coming in at £12 a kilo. I took four. No Calvados, so I settled for a bottle of Armagnac instead. Blended especially for the 'Taste the Difference' brand by Spirit France Diffusion, an outfit Bing had no trouble finding at reference 2, not like some of the people whose names turn up on bottles of wine. Incidentally, the maker of the Père Magloire Calvados, which I buy from Waitrose. A different branding decision.

The cherries turned out to be pretty good, but a few duds and perhaps not quite up to the Waitrose standard. Along the way, I have been converted to the merits of storing them in the refrigerator in warm weather. My theory always used to be that refrigerators, in the case of food which is not sealed, were a fine way to suck the water out and to blend the flavours. Overruled by finding that cherries do not stand that well outside. Bring back proper, north-side larders!

Report on the Armagnac in due course.

PS: along the way I was reminded how different a route looks, a route which one might know well in one direction, in the other direction. Also that the various inclines and hills work differently. Something which I probably would not have noticed twenty years ago.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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