Saturday 15 June 2024

Nil trolley

Started proceedings yesterday by checking the tulip tree - Liriodendron tulipifera - on West Hill, to find that a lot more flowers are visible than there were ten days ago, for which see reference 1.

Three sepals, six petals and lots of stamens. Zomlefer talks at reference 3 of whorls of sepals and petals but spirals of stamens (male, outer) and carpels (female, inner). So given that this is an old lineage, spirals have been around for a long time.

Extruded plastic for the planters at the top of Station Approach - which would have looked a lot better had they taken a bit more trouble with the corners. 

The stuff gets everywhere these days - even Wisley, for which see reference 4. 

While the hedgerow mustard, noticed at reference 5, seems to be everywhere at the moment. This fine specimen in East Street.

I remember using the ears of the grass left as projectiles when I was en-route to and from my primary school in Girton. They stick very well to the sort of clothes that one wore at that time. As I recall, we called it barley grass.

While what I took to be scale leaves, are actually what is left of the flower stalks as the flowers climb up the growing stem. I thought I detected swelling of seeds in at least some of them.

Not so sure now. Although inspection of the flower stem I brought home, using the telephone as a magifying glass, does indeed turn up what appear to be some swelling stalks. Much better than my magnifying glass.

I dare say the stalks are arranged in a helix up the stem, but I had trouble seeing one this evening.

Four petals and four stamens?

Zomlefer reminds me that the Brassicaceae - the mustard family (including Brussels sprouts) - are sometimes called the Cruciferae, for the cross exhibited by many of the four-petalled flowers.

Turning into Ewell Village, a stray contraption from BT, I think for lifting inspection covers and such like. Much heavier than it looks, much to add to my collection of such stuff at home.

The business end, the sharp end, as it were.

But, for once, no trolleys.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: Guide to flowering plant families - Wendy B. Zomlefer - 1994. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

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