Tuesday 18 June 2024

Trolleys 709 and 710

Trolley 709, from B&M, was captured outside Epsom Station this morning. Next to more evidence that planters are still alive and well in the vicinity of stations. Who does this one: Network Rail, Southern Trains (who I think run the station) or Epsom Council? Or perhaps some civic group, perhaps affiliated to the one that helps look after the nearby Court Recreation Ground?

There was a pound coin visible in the handle lock, which shot out onto the floor when I docked the trolley at B&M. Maybe with a bit more practise I will be able to catch it on the way down.

Trolley 710, from the M&S food hall, was captured near a bus stop near B&M. Presumably abandoned by someone who had carted their shopping onto a bus. Let's hope that whoever it was did not live too far from the bus stop at the other end.

While I was in M&S, I looked out the cherries, and found a not very big stack of 200g packs of Spanish cherries at £3 each. I took five, and once home I found that you got around 20 cherries to the pack - so 15p each, which sounds rather a lot! No wonder they are being sold in ever smaller packs. How many years before we hear shouts in the market of  '20p each or just a couple of quid for a dozen. Roll up and treat yourself...'.

But, to be fair to M&S, they were in very good condition, with just two duds out of the hundred or so. Another outing for our heirloom cherry plate, but all done now. Maybe it's time to go back to water melon - which are rather cheaper and go rather further.

PS 1: finding the heirloom plate is left as an exercise for the reader. From what part of the family did it come to us?

PS 2: the afternoon game of Scrabble involved me putting down a seven tile word on my first go, getting me off to a good start with 66 points or so. I went on to win by quite a decent margin, but not quite as much as that. And BH did win yesterday, so it was my turn.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2024/06/trolley-708.html.

Group search key: trolleysk.

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