Wednesday 12 June 2024

Trolley 704

A pair of trolleys, one of each the two medium sizes, from the M&S food hall, captured at the start of East Street, not far from our strip club.

I was reminded that it was uphill back to the market square - and fairly bumpy, with the stones for the blind not being the only hazard. Some of these stones can be seen through the top of the trolleys in the snap above. The good news being that I am getting better at pushing mixed pairs.

On around the Ewell Village anti-clockwise, to find a fair bit of the stuff snapped above growing in the margins on the Ewell West side of Ewell West station.

With scaly stems which were intermediate between the leafy stems of a regular plant and the tightly scaled stems of the Wellingtonia.

Clearly visible in the snap above - although I have yet to work out whether the scales grow into the dandelion shaped leaves which are also clearly visible. 

Google's image search throws up hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale, a member of the cabbage family) as one possibility, a possibility which is confirmed by Wikipedia at reference 2. But confused by Bentham & Hooker who offer, in addition, a number of relatives which do not look that different to me.

Perhaps not to grow into dandelion shaped leaves, as there is a suggestion that the scales are racemes not leaves, that is to say fruits, presumably presently immature. I shall have to bring some home for dissection.

A not very promising sign on the butcher in Manor Green Road. I couldn't get rid of the reflection at the time of snap and the often useful 'remove background' feature of Microsoft's Powerpoint failed to isolate the chalk, the help that I was able to give it notwithstanding.

PS: I might add that the golden clubs (Orontium aquaticum) last noticed about a month ago at reference 3 have now become green clubs. That is to say the golden clubs sank to just below the surface of the water where they have grown lots of green scales, presumably some kind of seed cases, maybe a couple of millimetres across each. So green clubs. Perhaps I will pick one in due course for a closer look. We are keeping the surrounding duckweed down, but it is not yet eradicated.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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