Sunday 30 June 2024

Trolley 717

Captured in the outer fringes of the large car park cluster outside the gardens at Wisley. So a bit marginal from the point of view of the rules, but it was a long way from its base and it did need to be returned because although the car park not yet crowded at 10:15, it was set to become so it being a summer Sunday, and one did not want trolleys to be blocking parking slots.

Quite a bumpy walk back to base, so I imagine they must be very bumpy to push loaded, not that I have ever tried.

Not in the same league as the trolley stack at a real supermarket like Sainsbury's. Not least because, as far as I could see, there was just the one size of trolley. And there were two unsightly holes in the handle of mine, which turned out to be where the basket had once been fixed. I could not find a maker's mark, but maybe, if I had gone in for a serious inspection, I would have found one.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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