Saturday 22 June 2024

Piano 87

Piano 87 being the No.2 piano at St. Bartholomew, rather less grand (and rather less dark) than the No.1 piano noticed yesterday at reference 1. 

Captured in a gallery to the side of the body of the church, presumably used for less formal occasions and perhaps rehearsals.

This piano is down to Rogers of London and given that the branding is different from that of the George Rogers of reference 3, might be a first. But I suspect not, as George Rogers made a lot of small grands between the two wars and this one looked to be of that sort of age.

Reference 2 as a reminder that pianos have been on the go for more than five years. Not really got the pace of trolleys. With the picture being confused as the marker 'pianosk' only came into use at No.53, in March 2022.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: pianosk.

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