Wednesday 5 April 2023

Trolley 560

I arrived at Epsom station early enough this morning to have time to return this one to the M&S food hall before my train, albeit using the front door, rather than the back door by the trolley stack.

Once again, no small trolleys in the stack until I returned this one.

The food hall was busy enough this Wednesday morning, but the clothes section was quiet, as usually seems to be the case these days. Furthermore, a significant chunk of what should have been its space had been colonised by non-clothing stock, things like greetings cards and Easter eggs. To be fair, the upstairs still has plenty of clothing. They might even have my socks, although I actually find it easier to do click-and-collect. My size is more likely to be in stock on that track.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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